
Typical reasons

  • The training is of a formal nature
  • The target group is fed up with the training
  • Content too theoretical
  • Training has no deeper connection to the company's business
  • Participants fail to link training to practice
  • Training is missing or outdated

Why choose ComplianceTeam

  • Real knowledge development
  • Raising awareness
  • Awakening interest
  • Increase willingness to engage
  • Change in employee behaviour

Content of the service Education

We will train you or your entire target group as you need it. Or we can prepare materials and instructions for you to train yourself. We will tailor-make a course for you.

A. Tailored training on compliance topics

  • for compliance specialists
  • for company management
  • for a different target group according to your needs

B. Production of e-learning
C. Professional workshops
D. Simulation of a supervisory authority visit
E. Webinars on compliance topics

I want to know more about education

Our approach

To convey professional knowledge in a clear way using examples from practice and to actively involve the participant in the learning process.

Our satisfied clients

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