About us

ComplianceTeam is a team with experience

with the implementation of compliance in companies.

Daniel Tosner

Daniel is the managing director of the company. He focuses on analyzing client needs and goals and building compliance systems accordingly. He also manages the ComplianceTeam.

He has practical experience in implementing compliance systems, including e.g. risk mapping, process changes, implementing controls or influencing corporate culture. He has worked in the financial market, specifically in the insurance industry, first in legislation at the Treasury or the supervisory authority, at the UK supervisory authority FSA and then in the market directly in insurance companies (large or small) in the role of project manager as well as director of legal and compliance. He was also a manager in the risk & regulatory advisory team at KPMG. He also has experience in other industries (e.g. energy and waste management).

Petr Plavec

Petr is a lawyer and founder of Plavec and Partners (see www.ppak.cz). In ComplianceTeam he focuses on legal interpretations.

He was involved in the financial market, both banking products and insurance. He has practical experience in corporate law and practical problems of companies. In the field of compliance, he has experience in the implementation of, for example, the criminal liability of legal entities (TOPO). As part of his lecturing activities, he has also been involved in training simulating and preparing for an on-site inspection by a supervisory authority.

Other collaborators

Where necessary, we also work with sector experts

Compliance Officers with experience in various industries

  • Energy, water, waste, engineering, insurance and AML issues

Risk manager

  • Methodology for compliance risk, mapping and assessment

ISO manager

  • Services in the areas of ISO 37001 and ISO 37301, ISO 37302


  • Whistleblowing investigations

Communications and Education Consultant

  • Working with company culture and compliance awareness, tone at the top

Our satisfied clients

Looking for more information?

Is compliance unclear? Are you trying to define the role of compliance? Are you choosing how to implement it?

Write to us

Thinking about compliance?

Are you struggling with how to get employees to follow the rules? How to achieve compliance? How to adjust existing compliance? How to verify the functionality of compliance?

Arrange a consultation

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